Tuesday, November 6, 2012

High Quality

Recently I was ordering some travel items of good quality.  It was interesting how agonizing of a decision it was to try and select something that I would like for a LONG time, as these items have the potential to last that long.  It made me start to think about what decisions I spend less time on that might be much more important.  Like am I doing what I truly WANT to be doing career wise?  What am I passionate about? Where can I be more innovative?  Those longer thoughts often get trampled under my feet as I rush along trying to keep the balls in the air as I fly at 90mph.

... But my recent shopping trip reminded me that if something is supposed to last a long time, things that matter, good quality, be special, they are worth taking some time to at least pause and think about it.

So the Bright Side of Blue in my day is putting in some time in my days to think more about things that will be in my life, long after this job, or this hobby or whatever it is has passed... giving time back NOW to the  things most special to me in the long run.

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