Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hey! Day! My Wed Night Pick Me Up

So the bright blue of my day today is the band The Heyday.  I drive a fairly lame car, but the sound system is great, and so today when I left work at 6:42, and turned their music on, it totally changed my mood.  I left the office feeling like someone had literally flattened me like pizza onto a side walk, but the music made me smile and do that lame shimmy dance thing that you do when you want to exuberantly dance but are in a very small space! The tracks have this upbeat sound and amazing lyrics. 

If you haven't heard of The Heyday you should, I promise it will brighten your day!

Their song "Lost with You" was my husband and my first dance song at our recent wedding, there is a line it that goes "you wrote your name in the fog on the windshield, so when I'm driving through the cold I think of you..." This week is the first time it has been cold here in Houston this winter (well in the 40s), and as a truly Texas girl, still wearing flip flops in November I have not been excited about it.  But that line came on and the air outside had that cold smell (which I know sounds weird but totally exists) and I was suddenly grateful for winter and excited for red noses, ruddy checks, soft sweaters, and cute jackets.

So the bright side of my blue today was the perfect music at the end of the day ... almost like my life was a movie-- assuredly less glamorous, but wonderful to me!

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